We Should Trust Arizona — Even Though It Doesn’t Trust Itself

May 29, 2010 at 7:30 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

So even MORE fun news from Arizona. As expected, a whole bunch of pissed off people have already filed/are thinking about filing lawsuits to overturn everyone’s favorite hate group-drafted, frivolous lawsuit-subsidizing, blatantly unconstitutional, meaningless political statement of a law.

This includes Eric Holder a.k.a. the Attorney General a.k.a. supreme consigliere for the President, who is pissed that you crapped all over his jurisdiction.

We are not amused

Now this whole time, Arizona’s been like, “dudes, just *trust us*. Is there the potential for racial profiling? Yes. Is there the potential to overstep our authority? Yes. But you don’t have to worry about us. We’ve got things under control.”

Let’s ignore for a second that all this is coming from the state that is so notoriously bad at upholding the Constitution that because of them, now every police officer in the country has to read people their rights. Let’s put on our imagination hats and just pretend like this wouldn’t be anything like giving a box of matches to a pyromaniac kid. *At least* Arizona has its show together, right?

Well…no. Governor Brewer believes that the man who is *supposed* to defend the law, Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, is untrustworthy because he’s a Democrat who was elected when Napolitano was governor. Apparently, vowing a rigorous defense isn’t enough for her, so she basically fired an attorney that The People Themselves (in caps) elected and replaced him with private attorneys of her puppetmasters’ her own choosing.

Sooo…these are the messages that the leadership of Arizona has sent so far with this whole mess:

  1. Dear people of Arizona — you’re too stupid to choose someone to defend the laws of this state, so we went ahead, circumvented your wishes, and chose someone else
  2. Dear federal government — you suck at your job! And we’re not going to give you any tools to do your job right because we want the President to fail and besides, we believe in “small government.”
  3. Dear Founding Fathers — we know that you thought immigration should be left to the federal government in order to ensure that a state-by-state patchwork of laws didn’t pose a threat to the security of our whole country, but well…that’s stupid. And we know that you made it so that if we disagreed with what you wrote in the Constitution we could change it with a constitutional amendment that represented the will of the people, but well…that’s stupid, too.
  4. Dear President Obama — this is a gesture to say that we want comprehensive immigration reform. And when we say that, we really mean, “this is a way to rile people up against you, and we hope you fail your next election.”
  5. Dear Latinos — we say all this is only aimed at illegal immigrants, but really, we hate your culture and can’t stand the way you say “biolet” instead of “violet” and really, we just want you to go away

Also, Ms. Brewer, if I could make a suggestion? You should hire the same lawyer who wrote the law for you — Michael Hethmon from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (yes, the hate group). I don’t agree with his policies, but I think it would be fun to watch him get ripped apart by Eric Holder.

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