An Open Letter to My Brain

June 10, 2010 at 2:19 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

Dear Frontal Lobe,
On behalf of my body, I would like to thank you for your outstanding service. Your overly analytical tendencies and ability to weave convincing arguments and counter-arguments helps me greatly at work. I hope that our continued cooperation will result in good things for the both of us.

However, when I am outside of work and attempting to relax, socialize or at the very least not freak out about something ridiculously trivial, kindly shut the fuck up and just give me a nice little squirt of dopamine. If you refuse to comply, I shall be forced to stab at you with a crayon through my nose.

Thanks in advance, and I hope to amicably continue our professional relationship.

The Aztec Law Student

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