Even sTaR WaRz Kid <3’s Teh Law Lulz

June 3, 2010 at 9:51 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

Alright. My friends keep bringing up hot topics in conversations, so I’ve officially stopped having opinions. Too much controversy going on, too many five-minute long rants.

BP oil spill? Meh, someone should do something about it. Should the U.S. be spending billions of dollar supporting Israel without getting a military base in return? Don’t ask me, it’s not like I majored in Middle Eastern studies! Is it worse to have your girlfriend cheat on you with another woman/are bisexual people are untrustworthy? Pfft. Who cares, stereotypes are fun, especially when two chicks make out. McDonald’s or Whataburger? I have no opinion on the issue! HA! Ha ha! Ha ha ha! *Clenches jaw into forced smile, vein bursts*

So I’m going to write about something totally trivial. The Star Wars kid is going to law school. Who’s the Star Wars kid, you ask? Remember this?

Meme-tastic. Anyways, turns out the Star Wars kid is going to law school. His name is Ghyslain Raza (which incidentally sounds like something out of Lord of the Rings). He goes McGill University in Montreal. And let me just say, on behalf of everyone: a fat, nerdy, unstable, litigious guy who likes Star Wars is going to LAW SCHOOL? Noooo.

I haven’t gone to law school yet, but from what I’ve gathered from blogs and other friends in law school, most guys in law school are Star Wars kids. The only difference is that they deleted the videos of them pretending they were Darth Maul before they hit YouTube.

Also, law school guys are probably jealous that, even though the Star Wars kid ended up in a psych hospital for a while, he had a taste of the fame and attention they so desperately crave as they cry themselves to sleep, consoled only by the fact that in two weeks, they’ll be trekking around the Sahara, looking to stay but a night at the Hotel Sidi Driss a.k.a. Luke Skywalker’s house.

As for me, I’m nothing like this guy. I mean, I’m not fat. Well, I’m a little chunky. But it’s like cool frat guy chunky.

At least, that’s what I tell myself. (I’m working on that.)

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