Zero Regrets? I Can Think of One…

November 9, 2010 at 12:47 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

I don’t have many heroes. As a disaffected twentysomething studying law in DC, I’m discouraged from having heroes, lest I find myself having to sue them.

But one of my true heroes — someone who I will actually say that I admire and not be ironic about — is Apolo Anton Ohno.

I admire this man in a completely heterosexual way...

I can’t really explain why I like him. Sure, he’s a successful athlete and an Olympian, but there are a lot of those. I could just have easily jumped on the Shawn White wagon or the Michael Phelps train. But to be honest, they seem like douches.

For the longest time, I’ve been a big Apolo fan, because he seems so cool. As a fat, socially awkward, asthmatic teenager, he was everything I wanted to be — athletic, successful, admired. He was the reason I first forayed into the world of facial hair when my chin hairs started coming in. And as a fat, socially awkward, asthmatic adult, I keep up the tradition. Every time the Winter Olympics come, I grow an Apolo-style goatee, even in spite of the fact that my friends love to point out that it makes my face “look like a vagina.” Read the rest of this entry »

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